How Do I Apply?
- The magnet application process is called CHOICES and is available online at LAUSD Unified Enrollment beginning in early October. On time applications are generally due by mid November. See below for the current dates. For those who are unable to apply online, paper copies will be available at all LAUSD schools, LA City Libraries, Local District Offices and LAUSD Headquarters.
- Students attending private school or a charter school who are applying to a Gifted/High Ability Magnet must obtain verification from their current school of attendance. The verification form is available on the same website as the application. For current LAUSD school students, the verification form will automatically be sent to the student's current school.
- All applicants must reside within the boundaries of LAUSD at the time of the application and while participating in a Magnet.
- Current School Year Dates:
- On-time Applications window for the next school year is generally from early October through mid-November
- Late Application window for the next school year generally opens around the 1st of February
- Eligibility emails sent in February
- Selected or Waiting List emails sent in March
- Accept/Decline date is in early to mid April.
- Wait listed students will begin receiving calls after the accept/decline deadline if there are openings
- In late April, look for emails from Balboa with the next steps for accepted students
How do students become eligible to attend a magnet?
What criteria must my child meet to attend a gifted/high ability magnet?
- Explain meanings or relationships among facts, information or concepts that demonstrate depth and complexity.
- Formulate new ideas or solutions and elaborate on the information.
- Use alternative methods in approaching new or unfamiliar mathematical problems.
- Use extensive vocabulary easily and accurately to express creative ideas.
How can a child be identified as gifted and highly gifted?
My child is not currently enrolled in a LAUSD school. How can my child get verified as gifted or highly gifted?
- Request verification form be sent to private school.
- Contact current school to give permission to release required information.
- Confirm with your child's current school that the verification form was returned to the Gifted/Talented Programs office on time.
How does the magnet office select students for the magnet program?
MAT - matriculation W/L - wait list OC - overcrowded SIB - sibling
PHBAO - Predominantly Hispanic, Black, Asian and Other Non-Anglo
Assigned Priority Points
Reason for Points
Matriculation (moving from elementary to middle school or from middle to high school)
4 - 12
Wait list (Three years maximum)
PHBAO School (school of residence)
Overcrowded School (school of residence)
Sibling attending the same magnet for which the student is applying (only once-2 siblings still only receive 3 points)
My child is in 5th grade and is in a magnet. I am applying to a magnet middle school. If my child does not get accepted, does my child keep the 12 matriculation points plus get 4 new wait list points?
My child is in 5th grade and is in a magnet. I am applying to a magnet middle school. If my child is not accepted, I know he will lose his 12 matriculation points and start over with 4 wait list points. May I add PHBAO, sibling, and OC points to the 4 new wait list points?
My child has NEVER been accepted into a magnet and has accumulated 12 wait list points. Do those points matriculate to the magnet middle school that I am applying for?
Can I apply to a middle school magnet and a middle school SAS at the same time?
If I accept an SAS spot, do I lose my magnet wait list points?
How many points can matriculate to the middle school and to the high school?
- 12 matriculation points
- 4 PHBAO points
- 4 OC points
- 3 Sibling points (must attend the same magnet for which the student is applying)
- Making a total of 23 points
My child is enrolled in the 4th grade in an elementary magnet. If he applies to a different magnet for 5th grade and is accepted, does he still have 12 matriculation points for middle school?
If my child is accepted into an elementary or middle school magnet and I decline, do I keep my wait list points?
If a student is never accepted into an elementary or middle school magnet, do the wait list points add up from elementary and middle school and count for high school?
Can my child qualify for an SAS program through the 4 higher level thinking skills if he hasn’t officially been identified as intellectually gifted?
Does the magnet program provide transportation?
What happens to my application if I turn it in late?
- Any application received or postmarked after the due date is LATE.
- Late applications will be accepted but students will be placed on a Space Availability List.
- No priority points are assigned.
Can my child attend a magnet and accumulate wait list points for another magnet?
Will I receive a preprinted Choices Brochure?
My child is extremely bright and belongs in a gifted magnet. Can I send copies of his work along with the magnet application to prove that he deserves to be selected?
If my child is accepted into a magnet and I decide not to accept, will my child keep his wait list points?
I am white and my husband is Asian. Can I mark both ethnicities on the magnet application?
If my child does not get accepted into a magnet and is put on a wait list, how and when will I be notified of an opening if he is chosen from the wait list?
If my child is placed on the wait list, how can I assure that I will be notified if an opening arises?
If my child is placed on a wait list, how can I find out where he is on the wait list?